Keyword Album: President
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 642 items
The Candidates We Have
Date: 06/14/2007
Views: 6870
Symptoms of Alzheimer's
Date: 05/07/2007
Views: 7801
Keywords: Alzheimer's, Alzheimers, Elderly, Old, John McCain, Symptoms, Maverick, South Carolina, War Crimes, Oldest, President
Democracy Was So Quaint
Date: 05/05/2007
Views: 6893
Keywords: Election, President, Bush, Rice, Condi, Condi Rice, George W. Bush, Democracy, Quaint, Iraq, Gonzales
Black Man's Burden
Date: 12/03/2007
Views: 13900
Keywords: McCain, Democrats, Republicans, Race, Campaign, 2008, President, Hillary, Clinton, Giuliani, Barack, Obama, Edwards, Romney, Howard Dean, DNC, Democratic Party, Clean
America is un-American
Date: 12/27/2007
Views: 8263
Even an Idiot
Date: 12/20/2007
Views: 10052
Keywords: Romney, Edwards, Idiot, Presidential, Elections, Iowa, Primary, Obama, Hillary, Clinton, Barack, Positions, Issues
Bush's Last Wars
Date: 12/01/2007
Views: 11750
Keywords: Bush, Generalissimo, El Busho, President, Domestic Surveillance, Osama, Video, War on Error, Terror, Terrorism, Appositive, Awkward Phrases, Immigration, Laura Bush, Extradition, Social Security, Reform
Musharraf's End Game
Date: 11/08/2007
Views: 11926
Keywords: Pervez Musharraf, Musharraf, Pakistan, Saddam, Saddam Hussein, Iraq, War, Neocon, Neoconservatism, Future, Future War, Bush, President, Dictator, Footsie, Nuke, Nuclear, Technology, Set-Up
Profiles in Discouragement
Date: 11/05/2007
Views: 13701
Keywords: Pete Stark, Stark, Discouragement, Censure, Apology, Democrats, Wimpy, Wuss, Wimpiness, Cowardice, Heads, Iraq, Blown, President, Bush, Amusement, Terrorist, bin Laden, Osama