Keyword Album: Revolt
Date: 02/09/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6 items
Date: 12/16/2022
Views: 1941
Keywords: Spartacus,, slave revolt, ancient Rome, Roman, revolution, protest, tactics, French revolution, Bastille, schedule, sit-in, Winston Churchill, World War II, Adolf Hitler, speech, beaches, streets
Date: 06/04/2020
Views: 5110
Keywords:, George Floyd, looting, riots, Wall Street, banks, occupy Wall Street, energy, revolt, police violence, police brutality
No Country for Old Airline Passengers
Date: 04/13/2016
Views: 11076
Keywords: Chuck Schumer, Senate, revolution, airlines, seat pitch, rows, airplanes, passenger nill of rights, drones, wars, militarism, poverty, dispossessed, revolt, riot, burning, communism, soviet
The System Makes Me Sick
Date: 02/16/2012
Views: 10836
Keywords: Supreme Court, Healthcare reform, Corrupt, Lawsuit, Obamacare, Evil private Corporations, Sick, System, Capitalism, Revolt, Revolution, Gouging, Molotov Cocktails
Date: 05/25/2009
Views: 14507
Lifecycle of U.S. Foreign Relations
Date: 03/09/2011
Views: 9299
Keywords: democracy, natural gas, energy, revolution, oil, libya, egypt, tunisia, middle east, state department, diplomacy, oppression, revolt, uprising