Keyword Album: Sony
Date: 10/09/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 9 items
Your Boss Is Conspiring With Your Would-Be Future Boss To Keep You From Ever Getting a Raise
Date: 03/05/2018
Views: 7224
Keywords: labor management relations, supply and demand, economics, economy, labor shortage, monopsony, monopoly, conspiracy, corporations, noncompete clauses, no-poaching clauses, apple, tech, microsoft
Date: 12/31/2014
Views: 9452
Keywords: Daily Dot, Kernel, freelance cartoon, hacking, North Korea, Sony, Internet of Things, IOT, CES, WTF, car, brain, computers, crime, Nest, thermostat, house
Future Hacks
Date: 12/31/2014
Views: 10041
Keywords: Daily Dot, Kernel, freelance cartoon, hacking, North Korea, Sony, Internet of Things, IOT, CES, WTF, car, brain, computers, crime, Nest, thermostat, house
Year End Trash
Date: 12/23/2014
Views: 10849
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, trash, garbage, refuse, litter, streets, North Korea, Sony hackers, earthquake faults, San Andreas fault, DNA, street cameras, punishment
Sony Hackers
Date: 12/21/2014
Views: 11716
Keywords: The Kernel, The Daily Dot, freelance cartoon, technology, Seth Rogan, The Interview, hackers, Sony Entertainment, terrorism, films, movies, cancellation, cyberterrorism, North Korea
Sony Hackers
Date: 12/17/2014
Views: 12109
Keywords: The Kernel, The Daily Dot, freelance cartoon, technology, Seth Rogan, The Interview, hackers, Sony Entertainment, terrorism, films, movies, cancellation, cyberterrorism, North Korea
Sony Shallow
Date: 12/18/2014
Views: 11613
Keywords:, freelance cartoon, Sony executives, hackers, public interest, Hollywood Reporter, celebrities, emails, privacy, Variety, People magazine, TMZ
Sony Hackers
Date: 12/05/2014
Views: 7017
Minority Monsters
Date: 01/22/2013
Views: 10307
Keywords: Racism, sexism, political correctness, diversity, Cabinet, Obama administration, Sec. of Defense, treasury secretary, homophobia, dark skinned, housing project, Sonya Sotomayor, Atty. Gen., Eric Holder, Guantánamo concentration camp, biracial, bisexual