Keyword Album: Sun
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 40 items
A Tale of Two Sarahs
Date: 09/11/2008
Views: 7770
Keywords: Sarah Palin, John McCain, Palin, McCain, Election, Divisiveness, Polarization, Ilsa, Little Miss Sunshine, Movie Theater, Sarracuda, Sarracuda Palin
Good Things About the Iraq War
Date: 07/28/2007
Views: 13405
Keywords: Iraq, War, Bush, President, Credit, Starlet, Pixie, Kid, Osama, bin Laden, UBL, OBL, Supernova, Sun, Astronomy, Wedding Party, Cinema, Film, Conflict, Awesome, Beijing, National Debt, Bonds, T-Bills
Iran=Al Qaeda
Date: 04/13/2007
Views: 6895
Iraqi Ethnic Cleansing for Fun and Profit
Date: 02/04/2007
Views: 15367
Keywords: Ethnic Cleansing, Iraq, Sectarian, Violence, Real Estate, Sunni, Shiite, Taxi Drivers, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Combat Pay, Graphic Artist, Stamps, Currency, Flag, Ak-47, RPG