Keyword Album: System
Date: 02/16/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 108 items
Trailer Park Patriotism
Date: 07/18/1996
Views: 18706
Keywords: trickle-down economics, thomas frank, what's the matter with kansas?, economy, class war, tax policy, system, militarism, soldiers, military, poor, alan greenspan, bill gates, shame, rich
Democracy by Monopoly
Date: 06/29/1996
Views: 17635
Keywords: nafta, bill clintion, working people, free trade, two-party system, higher taxes, government waste, strong defense, republicans, democrats, fewer choices, voter turnout
Democracy: The Quicker Picker Upper
Date: 05/27/1996
Views: 18766
Keywords: two-party system, college tuition, children, blacks, political absorbancy, fringe opinions, free education, sayonara, gas taxes, racism, mainstream, alienation, assimilation, extremism
Decision '96
Date: 04/04/1996
Views: 13904
Keywords: two-party system, bob dole, ideology, centrism, bill clinton, leftist, liberal, mind the arm, fella, watch, conservative, rightiest, moderation
Political Activism in the '90s
Date: 10/24/1996
Views: 9747
Keep Working, Suckers
Date: 10/02/1996
Views: 7999
Shut Up and Vote
Date: 01/20/1996
Views: 13008
Keywords: phil gramm, bill clinton, democracy, parties, the system, selection, consumerism, politics, monopoly, voting, bob dole
Revenge of the Latchkey Kids
Date: 10/04/1997
Views: 12374
Why We Fight
Date: 06/18/1998
Views: 14973
Keywords: why we fight, bill clinton, propaganda posters, militarism, sovereignty, human rights, death penalty, racism, capital punishment, international community, democracy, two-party system, death to america