Keyword Album: War on Terror
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 226 items
What Happens
Date: 08/15/2009
Views: 12987
Keywords: Prisoner, Jail, Crime and Punishment, War Crimes, Iraq, Afghanistan, War, War on Terrorism, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Murder a Million Someones
Nation of Criminals
Date: 06/08/2009
Views: 12862
Keywords: War on Terrorism, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Detainees, Release, Prison, Escapes, Prisoners, Subway, Criminals, Crime and Punishment
Why Obama Won't Release the Torture Photos
Date: 05/25/2009
Views: 13877
Keywords: Iraq, Afghanistan, War on Terrorism, Military, Troops, Torture, Photographs, ACLU, Infant Jesus, Boo-Boo, Occupier, Fingernails, Kabul, Prison, Style
Goldlocks the Torturer
Date: 04/24/2009
Views: 12960
Keywords: Torture, Waterboarding, Torture Memos, Legal Opinions, Graf Zeppelin, Graf Zepellin, Guantanamo, Gills, Snotty, Crack, Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Mason, Interrogation, Al Qaeda, War on Terror, Human Rights
Re-Invade Afghanistan!
Date: 02/07/2009
Views: 18902
Keywords: Osama bin Laden, war on terrorism, Barack Obama, Afghanistan, government officials, south asia, central asia, crusade, protect, security, stonings, cultural events, talidrome, overpopulation, wedding party, carbon footprint, environmentalism, heroin, drug
New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Date: 01/23/2009
Views: 16848
Keywords: torture, gitmo, guantanamo, war on terrorism, george w. bush, barack obama, so cool, moving, spy video, sex, nsa, domestic surveillance, eavesdropping, usmc, marines, navy, waterboarding
Payback Time
Date: 09/27/2001
Views: 11876
As Long As They're Arab
Date: 02/26/2001
Views: 6570
Stuff Happened
Date: 11/09/2001
Views: 5567