Keyword Album: White House
Date: 10/06/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 79 items
Date: 08/22/2018
Views: 5401
Date: 03/07/2018
Views: 7502
Keywords: Sputnik News, North Korea, South Korea, Kim Jong-On, United States, diplomacy, reunification talks, nuclear, ROK, DPRK, White House vacancies, chaos, Trump Administration
What If White House Reporters Actually Held the President Accountable?
Date: 10/03/2018
Views: 5318
Keywords: journalism, reporters, journalists, white house press corps, press conference, shtick, rude, Trump, interruptions, dignity, self-respect
The President Lived by the Eviction Notice in the 1970s. Will He Die By One in the 2010s?
Date: 08/29/2018
Views: 3950
Who's the Next Trump Official Who'll Turn Out Not to Have Been Vetted?
Date: 02/16/2018
Views: 6643
Keywords: Huckabee Sanders, Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler, vetting process, White House, employment, witchhunt, press secretary, security check, domestic violence, security clearance, Rob Porter
The Art of the Heel
Date: 01/26/2018
Views: 8848
Date: 04/20/2017
Views: 7770
Keywords: Sputnik News, poll, United Airlines, Dr. David Dao, popularity, approval, Donald Trump, White House, herpes, taxes, UAL
Date: 06/14/2017
Views: 7878
Date: 11/15/2017
Views: 12612
Keywords: Sputnik News, supercomputers, China, Donald Trump, international competition, industry, tech, technology, computers, trade, money, climate change, cybersecurity, Terrorism, counterterrorism, life science research, oval office, White House