Keyword Album: Wimpy
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6 items
Send a Consequence-Free Uncommitted Message, Sorta
Date: 03/18/2024
Views: 6794
Keywords: protests, demonstrations, left, Israel, Tulsa, lamb, wimpy, Nikki Haley, never Trump, women's march, pink pussycat, annual march against Trump, abortion, in vitro fertilization, IVF, uncommitted, consequence free
Tuesday Never Comes
Date: 11/15/2021
Views: 8377
Keywords: Popeye, wimpy, hamburger, promise, progressivesw, build back better, infrastructure, AOC, Biden, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, olive oyl, Elzie Segar
Democratic Payback
Date: 11/14/2006
Views: 13111
Keywords: Democratic Payback, Democrats, Payback, Bipartisanship, Vengeance, Liberals, Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi, Terrorist, Attack, Exploit, 9/11, Confusion, Grief, Radical, Agenda, Right, Wrong, Wimpy
Fear of Fear
Date: 05/31/2007
Views: 11395
Keywords: Democrats, Republicans, War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Funding, Power of Purse, Congress, Election, Wimpy, Fear, Surrender
Peaceniks Rebel
Date: 05/13/2007
Views: 9857
Keywords: Democrats, Wimpy,, MoveOn, Republicans, Party, Parties, Politics, DNC, Howard Dean, Hemp, Bumperstickers, Preachy
Profiles in Discouragement
Date: 11/05/2007
Views: 13709
Keywords: Pete Stark, Stark, Discouragement, Censure, Apology, Democrats, Wimpy, Wuss, Wimpiness, Cowardice, Heads, Iraq, Blown, President, Bush, Amusement, Terrorist, bin Laden, Osama