Keyword Album: Women
Date: 02/17/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 105 items
Smart Girl
Date: 05/23/2008
Views: 8620
Keywords: Feminism, Clinton, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Dreams, Girls, Girl, Women, President, Woman, Smart Girl, Work Hard, Second Class Citizen
The Feminist
Date: 05/25/2008
Views: 9378
The Grudge
Date: 06/16/2007
Views: 9734
Keywords: Relationships, Disputes, Fighting, Temper, Fight, Men, Women, Jerk, Woman, Monster, Evil, Anger, Psychology, Conflict, Resolution
Foreign Policy Mysteries
Date: 10/08/2007
Views: 12857
Keywords: Iran, United States, enemy, frenemy, U.S., war, terror, terrorism, human rights, torture, women, rights, nukes, nuclear, nuclear weapons, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan
Rainbow of Hatred
Date: 03/27/2007
Views: 19291
Keywords: Blacks, Women, Lawyers, Hate, Hatred, Democrats, DNC, Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Primaries, 2008, Presidential, Campaign, Presidency, Bigotry
Recalibrating the Candidates
Date: 02/25/2007
Views: 13839
Keywords: Women, Blacks, Lawyers, Clinton', Hillary, Edwards, Obama, 2008, Presidential, Campaign, President, McCain, Cheney, Illinois, 2012, 2016, Al Gore, John Kerry