Keyword Album: children
Date: 10/12/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 97 items
But Trump Is Evil
Date: 03/04/2024
Views: 3332
Adult Crime, Not Adult Logic
Date: 12/24/2021
Views: 7987
Keywords: Military, military recruiter, youth, young, trying children as adults, juvenile justice system, voting, voting age, mature, drinking age, alcohol, age, age discrimination
Child Crime, Child Time
Date: 12/15/2021
Views: 6703
Keywords: Juvenile justice, trying child as adult, school shooting, Michigan shooting, prosecutorial misconduct, children's rights, dinosaur theft, grown man, getaway car, immature, childlike, childish, consequences
It's Different When Democrats Deport
Date: 11/03/2021
Views: 8483
Keywords: Immigration policy, border crisis, US Mexico border, drug cartel, murderers, means well, Democrats, border and customs enforcement guns, children, kids in cages, remain in Mexico policy, deportations
Why Do You Want to Be When You Grow up?
Date: 04/19/2021
Views: 9575
Keywords: Children, careers, fire fighter, firemen, astronaut, NASA, kids, police, police shooting, blacks, African-Americans, racism, violence
There's Still One Thing That America Is Good at
Date: 01/04/2021
Views: 10558
Keywords: Militarism, war, military budget, veto, Donald Trump, insurance, labs, pandemic, COVID-19, healthcare, stimulus, bail out, ventilation, schools, education, children, future, Congress
We Take Away Rights From Children, Never Grant New Ones
Date: 11/27/2019
Views: 5480
Keywords: prosecutors, children, child, adult, law and order, crime and punishment, driving, car, automobile, drinking, alcohol
Everyone is Talking About Blockchain But No One Does Anything About Knowing What It Actually Is
Date: 09/21/2018
Views: 9116
Keywords: blockchain, gadzillion, bitcoin, venture capitalists, vcs, date, bar, silicon valley, media, journalism, shop, children, kids, god, ignorance, technology
Actually, Forced Child Separations Are All-American
Date: 06/25/2018
Views: 9835
Keywords: illegal immigration, ethics, children, forced separations, ICE, immigration and customs enforcement, morals, Donald Trump, slavery, slave auction, Indians, Native-American genocide, Nissei, World War II, Japanese-American internment camps