Keyword Album: choices
Date: 02/14/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 7 items
To the Spoiled Go the Victors
Date: 11/27/2024
Views: 6625
Keywords: Donald Trump, second administration, cabinet choices, cabinet nominations, transition team, transition office, Kanye West, snoopy, Labor Secretary, dossier, wild party
Here's to Militant Apathy
Date: 05/02/2022
Views: 11245
Keywords: Racist Republicans, two party system, so I'll Democrats, veganism, vegetarianism, factory foods, ecocide, capitalism, simplistic binary choices, traps, Ukraine, Russia
Flat Broke? Try the Hillary Clinton Way!
Date: 07/07/2014
Views: 8467
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, class warfare, Terry MacAuliffe, flat broke, Bill Clinton, dint, hard work, ghostwriting, Hard Choices, loans, wealth, Mitt Romney
Democracy by Monopoly
Date: 06/29/1996
Views: 17615
Keywords: nafta, bill clintion, working people, free trade, two-party system, higher taxes, government waste, strong defense, republicans, democrats, fewer choices, voter turnout
Liberal Voters Guide 1996
Date: 03/04/1996
Views: 17388
Keywords: progressives, voters, election, choices, third-party candidates, ross perot, courtney love, apathy, none of the above, blll clinton, populist republicans, options
The Triumph of Democracy
Date: 03/31/1996
Views: 13717
How Bill Clinton Sees Us
Date: 01/09/1993
Views: 8705