Keyword Album: death
Date: 10/06/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 190 items
Date: 01/12/2016
Views: 11948
Keywords: David Bowie, Sputnik News, music, obituary cartoon, death, rock n roll, fascism, Diamond Dogs, Heroes, Heathen, celebrity, fashion, legacy, mortality
Culture of Violence? Us?
Date: 10/09/2017
Views: 7323
Keywords: mass shootings, Las Vegas mass shooting, Route 91, culture of violence, war, militarism, iraq, afghanistan, death penalty, capital punishment, revenge, gun nuts, NRA
The Republican View of Healthcare
Date: 07/13/2017
Views: 8416
Keywords: healthcare, sick, ill, illness, sickness, health, consumer, marketplace, patient, doctor, death, MD, tumors, vendors, capitalism, medicine, supply and demand, ACA, Obamacare, Trumpcare, Affordable Care Act
The Death Penalty, Explained
Date: 04/28/2017
Views: 4411
The Party of Yes Sir, May I Please Have Another
Date: 12/06/2016
Views: 11842
Keywords: John Boehner, Barack Obama, Republicans, filibustering, party of no, Donald Trump, Andrew Cuomo, capitulation, common ground, cooperation, infrastructure, death camp, construction, sell out, wimp, useless, ineffective
Dead or Alive or Maybe
Date: 07/07/2016
Views: 7069
Suicide Tourism
Date: 04/22/2016
Views: 6806
Keywords: suicide tourism, euthenasia, death, medical issues, health, border, wall, Donald Trump, Mexico, happiness test, hazmat, funeral homes
Violence Has No Place in Politics
Date: 03/18/2016
Views: 8562
Keywords: 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump, violence, hypocrisy, Hillary Clinton, drones, death penalty, capital punishment, Iraq War, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Osama bin Laden, assassination
Date: 12/23/2015
Views: 8312
Keywords: death camps, Treblinka, Nazis, concentration camps, Jews, Muslims, Holocaust, Donald Trump, Muslim ban, tattoo, 2016 presidential campaign, Ivanka trump, uniform, pink marble, somestack, brass, tacky