Keyword Album: editor
Date: 02/17/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 52 items
We're Going to Need a Bigger Editor
Date: 04/12/2024
Views: 6515
Keywords: propaganda, Havana syndrome, crickets, insects, Cold War, messaging, Cuba, Embassy, sonic warfare, Joe Biden, poster, editor
That's What Cancel Culture Is
Date: 03/06/2023
Views: 6278
Keywords: George Orwell, Orwellian, linguistics, language, meaning, cancel culture, woke mob, editorial decisions, censorship, first amendment, meaning of words
Date: 02/14/2020
Views: 7652
Keywords:, John Kasich, Joe Biden, media darlings, editorial board, journalism, pundits, pundity, newsroom, newspaper, reelection, flesh-and-blood, Wesley Clark, John McCain, media bubble, Lamar Alexander, Bill Bradley, Bill Richardson, Beto O'Rourke
Whatever Happened to Basic Standards at Newspapers?
Date: 07/06/2020
Views: 12247
Keywords: Media, journalism, Russia, bounties, Taliban, Afghanistan, CIA, reporters, presses, editors, totally happened, lying, lies, anonymous sources, secondhand
Date: 03/25/2019
Views: 9349
Keywords: Sputnik News, Rachel Maddow, Russiagate, journalists, editor, producer, MSNBC, fake news, BS, journalism, collusion, Robert Mueller Report, investigation
Former Print Journalists Lost Their Jobs to TV and the Internet. Guess Where They're Talking (But For Free?)
Date: 05/28/2018
Views: 5870
Date: 10/18/2016
Views: 14915
Keywords: Sputnik news, WikiLeaks, Hillary Clinton, leaks, big banks, primaries, Bernie Sanders, pussy grabbing, Donald Trump, 2016 presidential campaign, media, journalism, editor
Does a Presidential Tweet Fall in the Woods?
Date: 12/08/2016
Views: 12129
Keywords: Twitter, social media, tweets, Donald Trump, journalists, editors, journalism, media, press conferences, Martial law, anti-semitism, Muslims, Islamophobia, Deportations
Trump's Maniacal First 100 Days
Date: 07/18/2016
Views: 9283
Keywords: First 100 Days, Donald Trump, 2016 presidential campaign, press, media, journalism, White House, editors, Muslims, deportation, racism, North Korea, war