Keyword Album: election
Date: 10/05/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 325 items
You Shall Know a System by its Enemies
Date: 02/03/2020
Views: 6102
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, system, 2020 presidential election, search, Paul, Medicare for all, Doctor, billionaires, billionaire, free college, for-profit colleges, madman, $15 an hour minimum wage
How to Game the Popularity Voter Whores
Date: 02/01/2020
Views: 6243
Keywords: majoritarian voters, wasting votes, psyched, elections, candidates, voters, popularity whores, Trump, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren
When Bernie Met Liz, They Stopped Thinking Straight
Date: 01/20/2020
Views: 5600
Keywords: Elizabeth Warren, electability, Bernie Sanders, progressive civil war, stultophobic, stultophobia, stupid, logic, stupidity, sexism, misogny, women, 2020 presidential election
In Some Weird Countries, Elections Depend Entirely on Religious Fanatics
Date: 01/01/2020
Views: 6348
Keywords: Religion, Christian evangelist, Christianity today, Christian post, Koran, Islam, Afghanistan, elections, religious fanaticism, warring factions, impeachment, word of God, Bible, sanity, atheism
Welcome to Decision 2060
Date: 01/03/2020
Views: 5830
Keywords: Climate crisis, I'm a change, global warming, election, presidential horse race politics, panda tree, demographics, dead, human extinction, horse race, front runners, Nate silver, humanity, decision
Joe Biden Promises to Die in His First Term
Date: 12/23/2019
Views: 3929
It's Not like Progressives Are Exactly Suffering Because They Didn't Vote for Hillary
Date: 11/13/2019
Views: 6473
Keywords: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Democratic primary, 2020 presidential campaign, Iran, militarism, war, Russia, Hillary Clinton, reelection of Hillary Clinton, Progressives, civil war in democratic party
Date: 10/23/2018
Views: 5807
Date: 11/06/2018
Views: 5526