Keyword Album: email
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 46 items
Sony Shallow
Date: 12/18/2014
Views: 13733
Keywords:, freelance cartoon, Sony executives, hackers, public interest, Hollywood Reporter, celebrities, emails, privacy, Variety, People magazine, TMZ
Saving Obamacare
Date: 11/16/2013
Views: 9341
Keywords: Affordable Care Act, ACA, Obamacare, NSA, National Security Agency, domestic surveillance, spying, migraines, drone attacks, CIA, email, DNA scan, database, dog
You Kids Have It Easy
Date: 11/12/2013
Views: 12999
Keywords: Obama, Hitler, Dishfire, domestic surveillance, Edward Snowden, XKeyscore, NSA, National Security Agency, spying, credit card data, text messages, email, phone, telephone, Tempora, Muscular, browsing histories, Google, Yahoo, drones, killer robots
Uncle Sam, Dirty Old Man
Date: 08/16/2013
Views: 10289
Keywords: NSA, National Security Agency, espionage, domestic surveillance, spying, email, Internet, PRISM, IMs, instant messages, pedophiles, sex, priests, rape, data rape, sexual trauma
Nothing to Worry About
Date: 08/01/2013
Views: 10776
Keywords: xKeyscore Program, National Security Agency, Guardian, privacy, email, domestic surveillance, apathy, passivity, NSA, terrorism, data mining, rectal, DNA, butt, butts, scrapings, FISA court, plots
Date: 06/28/2013
Views: 13717
Keywords: Slippery slope, NSA, 9/11 attacks, terrorism, security, national security agency, emails, privacy, text messages, photographs, video chats, Skype, telephone calls, phone calls, Verizon, domestic surveillance, spying, security state, TSA, transportation sa
Shoulda Worked Within the System
Date: 02/11/2012
Views: 10153
Keywords: Oppression, Revolution, Occupy Movement, System, Email, protest mail, letters to the editor, pacificism, nonviolence, demonstrations, protests, pepper spray, riots, hanging, oppressor
The Four Stages of Revolution
Date: 11/28/2011
Views: 11658
Keywords: Obama, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Acceptance, Shock, Psychology, Change Poster, Sellout Democrat, Plaintive Email, Homelessness, Computer, Golfing, Golf, Television, Riot, Revolution, Stages
America's Spy Non-Scandal
Date: 07/18/2011
Views: 13284
Keywords: NSA, National Security Agency, Spying, Rupert Murdoch, News Corp., United Kingdom, Tabloid Newspapers, Hacking, Voicemail, Privacy, Emails, Domestic Surveillance, Bed, Couple, Separated, Socialist, Ikea, GPS, Viagra