Keyword Album: foreclosure
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 49 items
Date: 10/05/2016
Views: 7586
Date: 02/26/2015
Views: 11623
Keywords: big banks, banksters, Occupy Wall Street, . foreclosures, Goldman Sachs, Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, The Kernel, Daily Dot, freelance cartoon, terrorism, cyberterrorism, cyber 9/11, house, home, Wall Street, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Islamic State
Loose Cannon
Date: 10/10/2016
Views: 5893
Hillary Fixes the Housing Crisis
Date: 02/05/2016
Views: 7603
Balancing the Budget on the Backs of the Homeless
Date: 03/18/2014
Views: 14626
Keywords: Gov. Jerry Brown, Los Angeles Times, debt, austerity, mortgage crisis, foreclosures, settlement, lawsuit, evictions, distressed homeowners, state budget, California, Occupy Wall Street movement
I'll Take That for Five Dollars
Date: 10/28/2013
Views: 14209
Keywords: Reuters, Afghanistan, voter cards, corruption, warlords, unemployment, foreclosures, banks, drone attacks, al-Awlaki, Yemen, Al Gore, Democrats, 2000 presidential recount, Bush v. Gore, democracy, elections
Government Shutdown
Date: 10/02/2013
Views: 16847
Keywords: TSA, airport security, Transportation Security Agency, drone attacks, Pakistan, Muslims, foreclosures, evictions, housing crisis, bank bailouts, banksters, Picasso, CEOs, torture, Guantanamo, Gitmo, NSA, National Security Agency, PRISM program, furlough
7.9% Fewer Drone Strikes
Date: 03/09/2013
Views: 15195
Keywords: sequester, fiscal cliff, austerity, federal budget cuts, drone attacks, federal services, waterboarding, intelligence, TSA, airport security, body cavity searches, wars, militarism, Iran, homelessness, poverty, joblessness, foreclosure victims, unemployme
Horror Movie Justice
Date: 11/07/2012
Views: 9984
Keywords: Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, drone attacks, Pakistan, foreclosures, suicide, economy, Guantanamo, Gitmo, zombies, corpses, Walking Dead