Keyword Album: george w. bush
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 71 items
Give the Man Time
Date: 07/16/2009
Views: 13997
Keywords: Patience, Barack Obama, Moderation, Healthcare, Economy, Unemployment, Democrats, Recession, Depression, George W. Bush, 2007
All-Purpose Obamatoon
Date: 06/29/2009
Views: 13650
Keywords: Disappointment, Broken Promises', Liberalism, Historiographical Ambiguities, Barack Obama, Liberal Projection, George W. Bush, Suffering, War, Smart Cookie, Dashed Hopes
A Terrible Reckoning
Date: 04/30/2009
Views: 13676
Keywords: Torture, War Crimes, George W. Bush, Gitmo, Guant?namo, Abu Ghraib, Human Rights, Detainees, Truth Commission, Prosecution, Bipartisan
Flyover Redux
Date: 04/13/2009
Views: 15162
Keywords: Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Hurricane Katrina, Air Force One, Foreclosure Crisis, Housing Bust, Recession, Depression, Homes, Houses, Banks
New Dross, Same as the Old Dross
Date: 03/14/2009
Views: 12707
New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Date: 03/03/2009
Views: 23936
Keywords: Adolf Hitler, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bush Administration, Investigations, Prosecution, War Crimes, Prison, Nazism, Auschwitz, Inmates, Guantanamo, Detainees, Domestic Surveillance, Wiretapping, Police State, Privacy Rights, New Boss, Fuhrer, Tortur
New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Date: 01/23/2009
Views: 16846
Keywords: torture, gitmo, guantanamo, war on terrorism, george w. bush, barack obama, so cool, moving, spy video, sex, nsa, domestic surveillance, eavesdropping, usmc, marines, navy, waterboarding
George W. Bush, We Hardly Knew Ye
Date: 01/20/2009
Views: 13048
Matching Fund Jeopardy
Date: 12/21/1999
Views: 7971