Keyword Album: hypocrisy
Date: 02/16/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 119 items
It Makes Sense If You're a Democrat
Date: 10/14/2019
Views: 4870
How Dare Iran Renege on a Deal We Reneged On a Year Ago?
Date: 05/17/2019
Views: 4924
Democrats: Trump is Dangerous. Let's Leave Him In Office Another Year
Date: 04/30/2019
Views: 4998
Broke? Declare Yourself a Church and Burn
Date: 04/22/2019
Views: 7732
Keywords: Yellow vest movement, France, income inequality, Notre Dame, Cathedral, fire, reconstruction, charity, incendiary, hypocrisy, Catholic Church, priests, Paris
First They Came for Julian Assange But I Said Something Stupid
Date: 04/16/2019
Views: 6869
New Rule: Either Shut Up or, When Things Go Against You, Keep Talking
Date: 02/11/2019
Views: 7765
Keywords: Justin Fairfax, Virginia, Democrats, hypocrisy, awesome, race, blackface, racism, KKK, Klan, yearbook, scandal, toad, retro-racism, Quaadludes, ludes
So You Want To Run for the Democratic Nomination for President of the United States
Date: 01/18/2019
Views: 11219
Keywords: Kamala Harris, Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, progressive, hypocrisy, Republican, bank, war, military budgets, free trade, NAFTA, corporate donors, drones, migrant workers, identity politics, inspiring, biracial, LGBTQIA, purity tests
First I Said Nothing Because The Bad Man Was a Democrat
Date: 07/03/2018
Views: 7294
Keywords: Honduras, Zelaya, coup d'etat, CIA, Obama, blowback, illegal immigration, Trump, hypocrisy, migrants, political refugees
No Country Has Interefered with Other Countries' Elections More Than the US. Why Should Anyone Listen to Our Complaints About Russia?
Date: 02/26/2018
Views: 8573
Keywords: election, Russiagate, Russia, 2016 presidential election, hypocrisy, regime change, iraq, afghanistan, army checkpoint, occupation, drones