Keyword Album: nsa
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 163 items
Dan Dalton, Death Row Lawyer
Date: 05/21/1998
Views: 12859
Keywords: dan dalton, death row lawyer, capital punishment, death penalty, attorneys, constitutional loophole, mental illness, feces, lunacy, lehtal injection, cd, ragtime, clemency, robert urich, sanity, insane
Clinton Chick Credibility Chart
Date: 03/23/1998
Views: 12462
Keywords: kathleen willey, monica lewinsky, gennifer flowers, sex scandals, bill clinton, paula jones, arkansas, yuppie, generational conflict, baby boomers, generation x
New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Date: 01/23/2009
Views: 16846
Keywords: torture, gitmo, guantanamo, war on terrorism, george w. bush, barack obama, so cool, moving, spy video, sex, nsa, domestic surveillance, eavesdropping, usmc, marines, navy, waterboarding
Life During Boretime
Date: 02/05/2000
Views: 12190
Keywords: religion, bus crash, azeri, golan heights, internet terror, jesse jackson, news, media, sensationalism, deported, chain gangs, crime and punishment, karma
Osama is Everywhere
Date: 10/28/2000
Views: 12826
Keywords: osama bin laden, school shootings, divorce, suicide killers, healthcare, insurance industry, nsa, wash hands, breaking into car, kandahar, peridontal disease, plaque
Welcome to the Geritocracy
Date: 01/31/2000
Views: 12631
That Doesn't Make It America
Date: 09/14/2002
Views: 8775
Keywords: supreme court, bush, 2000 election, coup, detention, fascism, domestic surveillance, nsa, cia, iraq, saddam hussein, wmds
Billy Clinton's Presidency by Bus
Date: 08/13/1994
Views: 5096
The Arkansas Governor's Mansion, 1986
Date: 03/24/1994
Views: 5822