Keyword Album: occupation
Date: 02/17/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 31 items
An Insurgency is Born
Date: 03/12/2009
Views: 13801
Keywords: Iraq, Barack Obama, Residual Troops, War, George F. Washington, George Washington, Founding Fathers, Cornwallis, British Provisional Authority, Redcoats, Sovereignty, Occupation Forces, Withdraw, American Colonies
Surrender in the Name of the U.S.
Date: 01/16/2009
Views: 15138
Keywords: economy, recession, depression, economic stimulus, iraq, afghanistan, militarism, war, taxes, barack obama, michelle obama, congress, occupation, torture
Send the Troops!
Date: 03/18/2000
Views: 11619
Keywords: south carolina, racism, confederate flag, battle flag, stars and bars, capitol, martin luther king, civil rights day, vladimir putin, occupation, south
My Supreme Court Would Have Beaten You Again
Date: 12/21/2002
Views: 6905
Plan for Post-Cold War Occupation
Date: 09/09/2006
Views: 9797
Keywords: Plan for Post-Cold War Occupati, Fidel Castro, Cuba, Castro, Fidel, United States, Comintern, Communism, Cold War, Occupation, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Guantanamo Bay, Torture, Geneva Conventions
A Little Critique
Date: 06/24/2006
Views: 15452
Keywords: War, Postwar, Planning, Defense, Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror, DOD, Rumsfeld, Bush, Criticism, Soldiers, POWs, Prisoners, Germans, Nazis, World War II, Surrender, Loss, Counterinsurgency, Insurgency, Insurgents, DOD\, Occupation, Plans, Plan
Good News From U.S.-Occupied Iraq
Date: 12/28/2006
Views: 13571
Keywords: Good News, Iraq, Occupied, Occupation, Housing, Real Estate, Religious, Freedom, Sectarian, Violence, Civil War, Holidays, Checkpoints, Eid ul-Fitr, National Police, Torture, Gonzales, Abu Ghraib, Century 12, Broker
100 Years
Date: 01/14/2008
Views: 8969
Keywords: 100, 1000, 1000000, hundred, thousand, million, McCain, Iraq, war, occupation, forces, troops, Mother Jones, campaign, remark
Why We Can't Leave
Date: 07/21/2007
Views: 10516
Keywords: Iraq, war, France, Nazis, occupation, terrorism, resistance, anti-Germanism, anti-Americanism, jihadis, Vichy, World War II