Keyword Album: ocean
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 17 items
Date: 04/22/2022
Views: 888
We're the Pariah-iest!
Date: 05/27/2024
Views: 5057
Nothing to Worry about
Date: 06/29/2022
Views: 10554
Keywords: Global warming, climate change, rising oceans, rising waters, melting ice cups, inaction, fish, school shootings, mass shootings, gun violence, inflation, Costco, consumerism, blame game, Republicans, Democrats, politics
Nobody Knows What They've Lost
Date: 07/16/2021
Views: 13650
Keywords: Diving, snorkeling, Cozumel, travel, Mexico, environment, climate change, global warming, ocean, water, spiny lobster is, octopus, fish, stingray Beach, sharks, reef, coral reef, pollution
No Fish Would Be As Psychotic as We Humans
Date: 03/16/2019
Views: 6776
The Coffee Stirrer is the Ultimate American Thing
Date: 03/15/2018
Views: 8084
Keywords: environment, planet, ocean, waste, trash, ecology, garbage, plastic, straws, coffee stirrers, starbucks, ecocide, sierra club
Date: 03/28/2017
Views: 10165
Keywords: Sputnik news, US geological survey, Southern California, beaches, Malibu, house, flood, ocean, climate change, environment, global warming, goon
Santa Claus, 2015 Edition
Date: 12/22/2015
Views: 9160
Keywords: Santa Claus, Christianity, myths, religion, climate change, polar ice cap, slush, elves, keyless entry systems, hacking, H1B visas, plastic island, ocean, ISIS, NSA
The Plan
Date: 04/10/2015
Views: 15628
Keywords: Los Angeles times, California, environment, local cartoon, Mayor, Eric Garcetti, greenhouse gas emissions, drought, electric cars, climate change, automobiles, cars, Godzilla, monster, Pacific Ocean, religion, God, human extinction