Keyword Album: polls
Date: 10/09/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 70 items
Hanging on the Flimsiest of Hopes
Date: 08/01/2022
Views: 4622
Besides That?
Date: 12/10/2021
Views: 7693
Keywords: Polls, approval rating, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, strength, competent, Afghanistan withdrawal, policy, confusion, dementia, press conference, besides that
Date: 11/29/2021
Views: 5455
A Sneak Peek at Upcoming GOP Voter Suppression Tactics
Date: 04/14/2021
Views: 8892
Keywords: Voting, voter suppression, racism, blacks, Republicans, country club, racist, police, voting stations, secretary of states, voting booths, polls, DNA, voter ID
You Can't Be Disappointed If You Don't Have Expectations
Date: 11/11/2020
Views: 6932
Keywords: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, hope and change, high approval ratings, news media, opinion polls, Romneycare, Obamacare, affordable care act, thinktank, sell out, wimp, obstructionism, zero expectations
Trump's Brilliant Plan
Date: 07/31/2020
Views: 6964
Keywords: Fascism, executive immunity, pardon, Mike Pence, business corruption, New York, cancel election, polls, contingency plan, federal gun squads, Portland, COVID-19, coronavirus
Date: 08/21/2019
Views: 8241
Keywords: WhoWhatWhy, socialism, polls, salaries, recession, depression, economy, economics, debts, paid off, stock market, crash, boom, bust, cycle
Why Centrist Democrats Can't Get to Bernie Sanders
Date: 01/28/2020
Views: 8837
Keywords: Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy, Spock, centrist Democrats, Bernie Sanders, cheat, progressives, Washington Post, Hillary Clinton, polls, Los Angeles Times, LA Times, L.A. Times, endorsements, Obama, fugly, South Carolina, counterintuitive
What's So Bad About Illegal Voters?
Date: 07/06/2017
Views: 6528