Keyword Album: press conference
Date: 02/16/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 22 items
Date: 11/07/2019
Views: 8169
Keywords: Sputnik news, Washington post, Ukraine, Donald Trump, Bill barr, attorney general, journalism, fake news, press conference, hate, right
What If White House Reporters Actually Held the President Accountable?
Date: 10/03/2018
Views: 6625
Keywords: journalism, reporters, journalists, white house press corps, press conference, shtick, rude, Trump, interruptions, dignity, self-respect
Such Terrible News...and Such Small Portions
Date: 08/08/2018
Views: 9252
Keywords: Woody Allen, movie, any Paul, horrible, small portions, Donald Trump, media, journalism, reporters, press conferences, spokespeople, drones, press secretaries, communications, communications director
Trump Does the Same Awful Stuff as Other Presidents But He Does It a Bit Too Much
Date: 08/03/2018
Views: 18001
Keywords: presidency, presidents, comparison, Tonkin Gulf, LBJ, Lyndon Johnson, Vietnam War, Trump, lie, lying, Bush, WMDs, Iraq, Obama, press conferences, Fake News, media, journalism, Reagan, Afghanistan, jihadis, mujahedeen, Truman, nukes, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, N
Smooth Transition of Power
Date: 12/24/2016
Views: 9412
Keywords: Donald Trump, smooth transition of power, democracy, Barack Obama, media, journalists, press, press conference, Bernie Sanders, cabinet picks, flames, fire
Does a Presidential Tweet Fall in the Woods?
Date: 12/08/2016
Views: 12127
Keywords: Twitter, social media, tweets, Donald Trump, journalists, editors, journalism, media, press conferences, Martial law, anti-semitism, Muslims, Islamophobia, Deportations
Moral Equivalence
Date: 03/16/2012
Views: 14325
Keywords: Afghanistan, war crimes, atrocity, mass murder, War on Terror, exceptionalism, Barack Obama, press conference, warlords, Guantanamo Bay concentration camp, torture, drone planes, hellfire missiles, urination, Marines, pees, wedding parties, civilian casua
Newt Fights On
Date: 03/10/2012
Views: 9922
Keywords: Newt Gingrich, press conference, 2012 presidential campaign, Republican, GOP, Georgia primary, Super Tuesday, ugly, hideous, monster, unlikeable, repulsive, cacophobia, children, ugly kids, icky kids, president
Obama II
Date: 08/06/2009
Views: 6459