Keyword Album: taxes
Date: 02/14/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 101 items
Democracy: The Quicker Picker Upper
Date: 05/27/1996
Views: 18743
Keywords: two-party system, college tuition, children, blacks, political absorbancy, fringe opinions, free education, sayonara, gas taxes, racism, mainstream, alienation, assimilation, extremism
Black Republicans
Date: 02/08/1996
Views: 11387
Not for Long
Date: 03/04/2009
Views: 16505
Keywords: Economy, Taxes, Wealthy, Rich, Class Warfare, Recession, Depression, $250K, $250, 000, Newspapers, Skyline, Suicide, Not for Long, Progressive Taxes, Barack Obama
Land Grab End Game
Date: 07/10/1997
Views: 14231
Keywords: environmentalism, earth, toxic gardens, pollution, development, wilderness preserves, free markets, bill clinton, ecologists, scum, real estate, property taxes, pristine land, grudge
But How Would We Get The Money?
Date: 03/27/1997
Views: 20979
Keywords: overcrowded schools, education, taxes on the rich, social security, socialized medicine, healthcare, traffic, bridges, highways, infrastructure, government spending, militarism, hanging, money
Scarlet Letters
Date: 03/26/1998
Views: 12438
Keywords: megan's law, kidnapping, ex-con perverts, crime and punishment, statutory rapist, labeling, dui, shoplifting, taxes, domestic violence, mail fraud
What Could've, Should've Been
Date: 12/19/1998
Views: 17754
Keywords: bill clinton, monica lewinsky, socialized medicine, healthcare, first lady, punk rock, music, hillary clinton, squandered opportunity, income taxes, economy, dot-com boom, business, railway system, distraction
Surrender in the Name of the U.S.
Date: 01/16/2009
Views: 15127
Keywords: economy, recession, depression, economic stimulus, iraq, afghanistan, militarism, war, taxes, barack obama, michelle obama, congress, occupation, torture
Not My Fault
Date: 03/30/1999
Views: 14364
Keywords: racism, race, discrimination, blacks, african-americans, infant mortality, babies, healthcare, taxes, work, police brutality