Keyword Album: torture
Date: 10/10/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 201 items
The Long Goodbye
Date: 08/01/2014
Views: 4823
Trading Places
Date: 06/14/2014
Views: 7052
Keywords: Taliban, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, POW, Afghanistan, Guantanamo, torture, prisoners of war, exchange, terrorism, negotiations, Gitmo, Mullah Omar
Cuz Terrorists
Date: 05/28/2014
Views: 8060
Keywords: Guantanamo, Samir Naji Al-Hasan Moqbel, Gitmo, forcefeeding, torture, human rights, terrorists, sass, fear, detainees, penis, IV needles, hunger strike, war on terror, Muslims
Bipartisanship Lives
Date: 05/23/2014
Views: 11862
Keywords: Democrats, Republicans, John McCain, Barack Obama, USA Freedom Bill, NSA, telephony metadata, spying, torture, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Gitmo, drones, death camps, John Boehner, House of Representatives, war, militarism, bipartisanship
Indoctrinating the Torture Invaders of the Future
Date: 04/07/2014
Views: 14043
Keywords: toys, The Hunger Games, sexism, militarism, pink, Courtney Love, AK-47, baby doll dress, warriors, army, recruitment, torture, Guantanamo, water boarding, Vitamin Water, parents, children, girls
Date: 03/21/2014
Views: 10199
Keywords: Native-Americans, Indians, sovereignty, Russia, Obama, Ukraine, Crimea, invasions, wars, militarism, Mexico, history, Guantanamo, torture, Cuba, Canada, territorial expansion, Iraq, Afghanistan
Have a Very A-Merry-Ca Christmas
Date: 12/26/2013
Views: 8165
Keywords: Christmas, holidays, Obama, torture, Guantanamo, presents, tree, family, drone strikes, terrorism, Gitmo, beach, Hawaii, vacation, foreign policy
Why Do You Hate Obama?
Date: 12/14/2013
Views: 11624
Keywords: Obama, dog whistle, race card, race relations, racism, drones, bankster bailouts, Afghanistan, Obamacare, public option, NSA, National Security Agency, torture, Guantanamo, force-feeding, Chelsea Manning, Bradley Manning, Libya, Syria, gay rights, Ku Klux
Memory Content is CIA King
Date: 11/19/2013
Views: 9793
Keywords: torture, Philip K. Dick, memories, CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, inmates, Gitmo, Guantanamo, extraordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation techniques, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, waterboarding, Zero Dark Thirty, Hollywood, movies, films, exposure