Keyword Album: war
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1305 items
Good Obama / Evil Trump
Date: 04/18/2018
Views: 8336
Keywords: Style, tone, president, Goldman Sachs, Timothy Geitner, drones, North Korea, militarism, war, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, policies, p
The Resistance to Trump Mostly Entails A Lot of Waiting Around for Someone Else to Actually Do Something
Date: 03/28/2018
Views: 12469
Keywords: Resistance, French resistance, World War II, fascist, trunk, special counsel, Robert Mueller, Russia, pollution, disgrace, voter registration, guns, Nazis, impeachment, Democrats, liberals
Gina Haspel Is About To Make History As The First Woman And Torturer To Run The CIA
Date: 03/21/2018
Views: 7789
For $2500 You Could Now Murder Anyone You Want Using a Remote Drone
Date: 02/21/2018
Views: 12241
Keywords: Skydio, R1, Autonomous drones, consumer drones, dystopia, dystopian, science fiction, facial recognition software, tech, technology, future shock, firearms, guns, pistol, assassinations, murder, crime, killing
In Which the Democratic Party Sucks Up to the FBI of all People
Date: 02/14/2018
Views: 10105
Keywords: FBI, Robert Mueller, liberals, Russia investigation, carpal tunnel syndrome, progressives, torture, Gitmo, Guantanamo, aggressive wars, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris
What if #MeToo Held Capitalist Predators to Account Too?
Date: 02/07/2018
Views: 15719
Keywords: Howard Schultz, Starbucks, CEO, income inequality, capitalism, corporations, employers, employees, unfairness, women, feminism, sexual harassment, predator, apology, witchhunt, psychiatric treatment, Jamie Dimon, Chase, bank, illegal foreclosures, Injusti
No One Is Ever Good Enough For Mr. Persnickety
Date: 02/09/2018
Views: 7524
Keywords: war, militarism, corruption, Democrats, standards, idealism, nitpicking, perfection, mortals, unrealistic, pragmatic
With Democrats Like Doug Jones, Who Needs Republicans?
Date: 02/05/2018
Views: 9968
Keywords: Doug Jones, upset victory, Alabama, US Senate, Democrats, surprise, NSA, Edward Snowden, disappointment, Mass surveillance, tweet, dreamers, DACA, abortion, identity politics
Government Shutdown
Date: 01/19/2018
Views: 14294
Keywords: Sputnik News, War, militarism, budget, sequester, government shutdown, Democrats, Republicans, Congress, Afghanistan, war on terror, middle east