Keyword Album: war
Date: 10/10/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 1278 items
Morality by Terrorism
Date: 06/09/2014
Views: 6037
Keywords: Joe Cornell, Sacramento, Brinks, Brink's, bag of cashm ethics, Fresno, armored truck, armored car, reward, capitalism, surveillance state, NSA, cameras
Coming Soon
Date: 06/11/2014
Views: 8735
Keywords: Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, police, license plate scanners, drones, reincarnation, Hinduism, dictatorship, NSA, National Security Agency, police state, surveillance, facial recognition software
Sick Dreams
Date: 06/04/2014
Views: 8545
Keywords: New York Times, David Brooks, David Ignatius, Thomas Friedman, Charles Krauthammer, troops, Fareed Zakaria, Richard Cohen, class warfare, media, press, ruling classes, boy, parents, op-ed hacks, newspapers
The Thing That Won't Leave
Date: 05/29/2014
Views: 5304
Cuz Terrorists
Date: 05/28/2014
Views: 8060
Keywords: Guantanamo, Samir Naji Al-Hasan Moqbel, Gitmo, forcefeeding, torture, human rights, terrorists, sass, fear, detainees, penis, IV needles, hunger strike, war on terror, Muslims
Bipartisanship Lives
Date: 05/23/2014
Views: 11862
Keywords: Democrats, Republicans, John McCain, Barack Obama, USA Freedom Bill, NSA, telephony metadata, spying, torture, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Gitmo, drones, death camps, John Boehner, House of Representatives, war, militarism, bipartisanship
The Climate Change Divide Explained
Date: 05/12/2014
Views: 7597
Keywords: National Climactic Data Center, global warming, climate change, report, study, universe, philosophy, perception, reality, New York City, media, Southern California, Hamptons beach house
Climate Change Rapid Response Team
Date: 04/18/2014
Views: 6118
Keywords: climate change, environment, greenhouse gases, UN, United Nations, global warming, irreversible, clock, Wheaties, homo sapiens, firehouse, crisis, Al Gore
Date: 04/14/2014
Views: 5289