Keyword Album: wars
Date: 10/05/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 50 items
Children of Mass Murderers Support Group
Date: 05/01/2013
Views: 9037
Keywords: Barack Obama, war crimes, torture, drone attacks, wars, Boston Marathon bombing, Fort Hood shooting, murder, support group, 12-step program, Malia Obama, pity, psychology
Coming Out
Date: 04/05/2013
Views: 6200
Keywords: Star Wars, Darth Vader, gay rights, gay marriage, death star, Luke Skywalker, son, stormtroopers, general, vase, flower, resistance, redecorated
7.9% Fewer Drone Strikes
Date: 03/09/2013
Views: 12082
Keywords: sequester, fiscal cliff, austerity, federal budget cuts, drone attacks, federal services, waterboarding, intelligence, TSA, airport security, body cavity searches, wars, militarism, Iran, homelessness, poverty, joblessness, foreclosure victims, unemployme
Iraq War Veterans, 2032
Date: 12/21/2011
Views: 10953
Keywords: Veterans, Soldiers, Iraq War, Conclusion, End, Withdrawal, Obama, Abu Ghraib, Waterboarding, Torture, WMDs, Congress, Babykillers, VFW, Veterans of Pointless Wars, Myths, Lies, Future
Date: 12/03/2011
Views: 6791
Barack Skywalker
Date: 08/15/2011
Views: 11125
Keywords: Barack Obama, Star Wars, Darth Vader, Death Star, Fighting, Republicans', Debt Limit Crisis, Galaxy, Whining, Polls, Triangulation, Compromise, Force, Cheating, Planet, Science Fiction
Dem vs. GOP Budget Smackdown!
Date: 07/15/2011
Views: 10469
Keywords: Debt Limit Crisis, Treasury Bonds, Democrats, Republicans, Two-Party System, Two-Party Trap, Obama, John Boehner, Wars, Militarism, Corporate Taxes, Constituents, Bed, Donors, Campaign Financing
To the Barricades
Date: 07/13/2011
Views: 11117
Keywords: taxes, payroll, paycheck, wars, military spending, federal spending, debt service, healthcare mandate, obamacare, torture, assassinations, bombings, invasions, militarism
And Let the Bad Guys Win?
Date: 06/10/2011
Views: 11826
Keywords: obama, protests, politics, progressives, liberals, leftists, demonstrations, torture, corporate welfare, dlc, democratic leadership council, moderation, centrism, next time, 2012 presidential campaign, signs, wars