Keyword Album: weapons
Date: 10/14/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 104 items
Who Do Those Maniacs Think They Are?
Date: 02/09/2022
Views: 6124
Keywords: Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Syrian special forces, Tennessee, sovereign, nation, rain, Joe Biden, authorization to use military force, law of war, nuclear weapons, retaliation, Damascus
Adult Crime, Childish Thinking Time
Date: 12/08/2021
Views: 9331
Keywords: Ethan crumbley, oxford, Michigan, high school shooting, guns, violence, legal, law, prosecute, juvenile justice, trying as adult, pretend, pretending, present, Taliban, Afghanistan, nuclear weapons, nuclear, atomic bomb, insanity defense, crazy, prosecuti
I Know Why They Don't Know
Date: 08/13/2021
Views: 10488
Keywords: Soviet union, USSR, Cold War, weapons of mass destruction, Iraq war, Anthony Fauci, masks, truth, mRNA vaccine, coronavirus, talking down, liberals, science, stupidity, stupid, COVID-19, deintellectualization
Takes a Killer to Know One
Date: 03/29/2021
Views: 12644
Keywords: Joe Biden, Democrats, Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, war vote, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, assassinations, Democratic national convention, Hillary Clinton, GM, General Motors, Syria, airstrikes, killer, Vladimir Putin, Russia
Unequal Justice under the Law and Politics
Date: 09/29/2020
Views: 7495
Keywords: Peons, equal justice under the law, bank robbery, hypocrisy, inconsistency, judge, court, judicial system, sentence, crime, getaway car, co-conspirator, guilty, made men, mafia, ruling class, defused, blame, weapons of mass destruction, WMDs, Joe Biden, G
Date: 08/26/2019
Views: 8884
Keywords: Sputnik News, Trump, nuclear weapons, nukes, hurricanes, insanity, military, militarism, radioactive, Elizabeth Warren, Alec Baldwin, fake news, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton
Date: 04/30/2019
Views: 7117
Keywords: NRA, National Rifle Association, financial problems, Sputnik News, LaPierre, Oliver North, attorney general, tax investigation, guns, weapons, Second Amendment
Date: 07/31/2019
Views: 5445
Date: 07/04/2019
Views: 7657
Keywords: WhoWhatWhy, Trump, military parade, July 4th, Fourth of July, streets, lawns, grass, parks, D.C., infrastructure, war, militarism, weapons, tanks, APCs