Keyword Album: yemen
Date: 10/12/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 29 items
Sting Phones
Date: 07/11/2013
Views: 11876
Keywords: local cartoon, Harrisburg Patriot-News, Pennsylvania, Judge John Bender, superior court ruling, sting operations, privacy, police, law and order, Fourth Amendment, search, arrest, telephone, Colombia, Yemen, Pakistan
War on War
Date: 06/21/2013
Views: 10299
Keywords: terrorism, war, Afghanistan, Iraq, Obama, militarism, reconstruction, foreign aid, veterans, healthcare, 9/11 attacks, planets, Colombia, Mali, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Somalia, Yemen
The Ethics of Death
Date: 04/03/2013
Views: 8429
Keywords: Drones, Predator, Reaper, war on terror, nativism, racism, missile, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Iraq, drone war, polls, Gallup
Friendly Fire
Date: 10/17/2012
Views: 12514
Keywords: war on terrorism, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, drone planes, Hellfire missiles, Predator drones, awards, medals, Pentagon, friendly fire, driverless cars, laptop, computers, militarism
Drone Spam
Date: 07/04/2012
Views: 10191
Keywords: drone planes, hellfire missiles, afghanistan, pakistan, yemen, war on terror, spam, internet, hackers, technology, computers, spoofing, predator, penis enlargement, pills, medication, russia
The First Rule of Fight Nation
Date: 06/29/2012
Views: 12048
Keywords: Drone planes, drone attacks, snuff films, Dianne Feinstein, Barack Obama, screening room, movies, classified, secrecy, Congress, media, transparency, hellfire missiles, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, global war on terror, top secret
Date: 06/27/2012
Views: 12013
Keywords: integrity, 2012 presidential campaign, war on terrorism, Yemen, Libya, Roe v. Wade, abortion, Pakistan, Afghanistan, drone attacks, murder, pro-choice, unemployment benefits, Iran, Gitmo, Guantanamo, torture, parochial selfish interests, Obama
Date: 10/18/2011
Views: 9055
Keywords: Terrorism, Awlaki, Assassinations, Drone Planes, Predator, Hellfire Missile, Obama, White House, General, Oval Office, Local Authorities, Yemen, Memo
Three More Wars
Date: 07/08/2011
Views: 7457
Keywords: somalia, obama, yemen, libya, war on terror, middle east, mogadishu, black hawk, helicopter, marines, usmc, hope and change